£499.99 GBP

THALLOW’s stylish, textured bob is the perfect way to get in on a current hairstyle trend, “The Chop”—a liberating desire to go short and sweet, no matter the season. Bonus: the Hairware human hair blend means you can heat style to suit your mood, and her lace front mono part construction lends a highly realistic hairline and part.



Almond Breeze, Amaretto & Cream, Black, Chocolate Caramel, Chocolate Cherry, Cinnamon Raisin, Creamed Coffee, Dark Blonde, Dark Brown, Dark Grey, Dark Red, Frosted, Ginger Cream, Golden Nutmeg, Light Blonde, Light Brown, Light Grey, Lighter Red, Medium Blonde, Medium Brown, Medium Grey, Mocha Frost, Sparkling Champagne, Toasted Sesame, Vanilla Butter

 Check out the colours here: Hairware Colour Chart