£999.99 GBP

Smile ear to ear in the salon-inspired SNOWFLOWER, featuring an ear-to-ear lace front mono top construction for the most believable and realistic hairline available. Rock her beachy waves straight out of the box, or heat style to give her your own, unique spin—our heat-friendly Hairware blend gives you the styling versatility you crave.



Almond Breeze, Amaretto & Cream, Black, Chocolate Caramel, Chocolate Cherry, Cinnamon Raisin, Creamed Coffee, Dark Blonde, Dark Brown, Dark Red, Frosted, Ginger Cream, Golden Nutmeg, Light Blonde, Light Brown, Lighter Red, Medium Blonde, Medium Brown, Mocha Frost, Sparkling Champagne, Toasted Sesame, Vanilla Butter

Check out the colours here: Hairware Colour Chart