Frequently Asked Questions
Backorder vs. notify me now button
Backorder Now button
Backorder means you will pay and
pre order your item. We currently have no stock available in our warehouse to
fulfil your order. By backordering you are securing your purchase at that dates
price. We will contact you either the same day or
the next working day with a accurate delivery date.
Notify me now button
For those customers who choose
the 'Notify Me', you can enter your email address to be notified as soon
as the product is back in stock. We sometimes only have small batches of stock
coming through, so we recommend using the 'Notify Me' function if you don't
want to miss out! There is no commitment to purchase. Please bear in mind we
are unable to price match or guarantee that the price will not increase from
date of ‘Notify Me’ request to Re-stock date.